General meeting 2024.
General meeting of Terre des Hommes Denmark
An ordinary general meeting is called for 2024 in Terre des Hommes Denmark with the following:
1. Election of conductor and 3 vote counters
2. Report on the association’s activities during the year
3. Presentation of the audited accounts
4. Determination of dues
5. Processing of any received proposals from the board or members
6. Election of nominated candidates for the board
7. Selection of auditor (registered/authorized)
8. If applicable
In order to be included on the agenda, proposals from members must reach the chairman no later than 14 days before the general meeting. Proposers must attend the general meeting and present the proposal.
Sunday 28 April 2024
The Parish Farm
Sanderumvej 129
5250 Odense SW
at 2 p.m