Become a Member of Terre des Hommes
You can make a world of difference.
By becoming a member, you contribute to Terre des Hommes Denmark’s efforts to help children in need have a better life, a brighter future, and protection against child labor and abuse.
Membership fees help us cover administrative costs, so all other contributions to the organization go directly to the children. We work 100 percent unpaid and are driven entirely by volunteers. The philosophy behind Terre des Hommes Denmark is that good intentions should not be drowned in heavy administration and bureaucracy.
Therefore, we constantly strive to minimize administrative costs, but running a relief organization comes with expenses; fees for money transfers, taxes, VAT, negative interest rates, auditing, and memberships, including the Collection Board, etc.
You can make a world of difference with a personal membership, which costs 150 DKK per year.
Your membership:
- Gives you access to our annual general meeting, where you can have a say
- You will receive our newsletter, which is sent out online four times a year
- You help strengthen Terre des Hommes Denmark. The more members we have, the stronger our voice in the fight for children in need
- You get a 10 percent discount on a subscription to Børneavisen – provide your Terre des Hommes membership number to receive a 10 percent discount
- Your membership is automatically renewed after 12 months
- You can cancel your membership at any time. There is no notice period.
- We delete your data after your membership ends