Become a sponsor
Help these children with a sponsorship.
Did you know that for 110 DKK a month, you can help a child with food, schooling and healthcare and help protect them from child labor?
A foundation for a better future.
- DKK is less than 1 caffe latte a week for a month, five hours of parking a day in the city center, a monthly online newspaper subscription, a cinema ticket, a museum visit, a theater visit or a return trip across the Great Belt Bridge.
110 DKK per month to sponsor a child – and you can even deduct the amount in SKAT.
Sponsorship is the direct way for you to experience that your help makes a difference.
For 2-3 kroner a day after tax, you give a child the opportunity to get an education, food and healthcare.
You support the child’s well-being and protect them from child labor.
For example, a few of our projects rely heavily on sponsorships.
Among many is the Wema project in Mombasa, Kenya, which protects and rehabilitates girl street children.
We also have a project in New Delhi, India, Tihar Jail, which helps poor children of parents or one parent who is in prison.
Many of the parents are life prisoners.
The children have no opportunity to go to school if they are not supported with a sponsorship.
Sponsorship ensures the children’s basic rights, such as health, safety and the opportunity for a basic education.
This is just to name a few of our many projects. Although schooling is free in most countries, the poorest and largest segment of the population often cannot afford to send their children to school due to the cost of school meals, books and school uniforms.
Your contribution will ensure this schooling for the child.
By becoming a sponsor, you support not only the individual child, but the whole family and the child’s local community. How are the children chosen? In Terre des Hommes Denmark we do not discriminate the children based on gender, age, race or nationality.
We prioritize the sponsored children according to two principles:
- First in line are the children who have lost a godparent and are therefore at risk of having to interrupt their schooling.
Therefore, new godparents need to be found. - Then sponsorships are signed in the order we have received the children.
This means that the children who have waited the longest are first in line.
The price of DKK 110 for a sponsorship in Terre des Hommes Denmark is lower than elsewhere.
This is partly because, as a voluntary and unpaid association, we have lower administration costs than other organizations that offer sponsorships, but also because we administer the sponsorships according to the above principles.
Help these children with a sponsorship.
Tax deduction Terre des Hommes Denmark is a humanitarian organization, approved by, among others, the Fundraising Board under the Ministry of Justice and our sponsorships are therefore fully tax deductible under the applicable tax rules.
In order to report your payments to SKAT, we need your CPR number.
It is not used for any other purpose and is sent to us in encrypted form.
We are of course covered by the new GDPR rules and have an approved privacy policy regarding sensitive personal data.
If you want the tax deduction, please provide your CPR number. Termination A sponsorship can be terminated at any time with 30 days’ notice to end at the end of the following month.
How it works
- Once you have signed a sponsorship, you will immediately receive a confirmation from us by email.
- A few days later, you’ll receive a photo and information about your child and their situation by email.
- You will also receive a bill that can be paid by debit or credit card via our website.
It’s also easy to register the payment for Betalingsservice.
The first invoice will tell you how to do this.
You decide whether your sponsorship should be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually in advance. - Once a year, you will then receive pictures and news about your child and developments in their local area.
To keep costs to a minimum and save money on paper and postage, this information is also sent by email.